As the pandemic threatens to keep us apart, it’s hard to make new connections or even keep existing connections alive. But there are ways to weave community during this time, and all across the country people have found creative ways to do just that. Here are a few ideas from the #WeavingCommunity campaign that you might try in your neighborhood.
1. Lend a Hand
Check in with elderly neighbors and offer to help with things like grocery shopping or lawn care. Organize with neighbors to volunteer for certain tasks on designated days.
2. Host a distanced BBQ
Host a socially-distanced dinner with neighbors in your front yard or at a local park. Add some more fun with games like horseshoes or charades.
3. Build a Little Free Pantry
Stock a shelf, bin or mailbox with with canned goods, cleaning supplies or books for your neighborhood.
4. Plan a Car Parade
Brings folks together with a socially-distanced car cruise through the main streets in your area. Celebrate something special or do it just for fun.
5. Show Your Appreciation
Make homemade thank you signs to frontline workers (healthcare, grocery, mail carriers, etc.) and secure them in your yard or windows.
Want to share on social? Feel free to save the graphics below and share these #WeavingCommunity tips.

Renee Carrier
This gives me joy. Thank you for the smile on my face just now. We aren’t defeated.
Take care and be safe, everyone.
Michael Skoler
We can all be Weavers, starting where we live with small steps. So many folks around the country are already weaving their communities. Glad you are joining in fighting our division and isolation.