The Weaver Network

Sweating over vats of food at a soup kitchen or cleaning up a local park are acts of love. We feel good doing them. But some volunteer opportunities are more personal. They build relationships and trust.

They go beyond sharing our skills or strengths. They push us to share respect, connection, and community with people who feel isolated or think they have nothing left to give to others. These opportunities weave our communities together.

The Weaver Network helps people find these opportunities, whether that means spending time helping a family care for someone on hospice or coaching kids basketball or helping repair an elderly neighbor’s home. If you have projects that build community or want to join a weaving project, you’re in the right place.

The Points of Light Foundation and the Aspen Institute’s Weave: The Social Fabric Project created the Weaver Network. It offers thousands of weaving opportunities across the US. All have these traits:

  • They are local and mainly in person
  • They build lasting relationships across your community
  • Every participant both gives and receives benefit
  • Everyone is welcome, no matter their background

How to use the Network

  • Opportunities will automatically appear that are near you, and you may specify a particular area 
  • Filter by issue area, skills/interests, and other features (ex: “kid-friendly”)
  • When you find an opportunity you like, click “Express Interest” 
  • Follow the instructions to connect with the organization and start weaving!

If you have questions, see an opportunity that doesn’t look right, or want to talk about your experience, email us at

For weaving organizations

Are you a nonprofit or community group looking for relationship-focused volunteers? The Weaver Network is a place for you to share opportunities and showcase your work as a weaving organization.

Weaver Network FAQ

What is the purpose of the Weaver Network?

The Weaver Network highlights organizations around the US whose work builds relationships and weaves trust in our communities. For organizations doing this weaving, it’s a chance to showcase their work and invite others to join it. For those who want to be weavers, it’s a chance to find local groups that are weaving connection and join them.

Who created the Weaver Network?

The Aspen Institute’s Weave: The Social Fabric Project manages the Network in partnership with The Points of Light Foundation. Points of Light runs the Engage database of volunteer opportunities, which gathers information from many organizations and posting services.

What makes the Network’s opportunities special?

We scan tens of thousands of volunteer roles from around the country to identify weaving opportunities that share four traits:

  • They are mostly in person (local)
  • They encourage people to build bonds with others (relational)
  • They recognize that everyone has something to give to others (mutual)
  • They welcome all types of people (inclusive)

What if I find a listing that is out-of-date or not a weaving opportunity?

Let us know at Our filtering system is really good, but not perfect and we are always looking to make it better.

Are the weaving opportunities one time or recurring?

All the opportunities are different and you will find details in each posting. If you want to search for a one-time event or a recurring role, you can click on the left side in the “Commitment” box and choose either ongoing or event.

What happens after I express interest in a weaving opportunity?

You’ll get a note asking you to share your name and email with the Weave Project. If you share (it’s voluntary), we will follow up with you in a week to make sure everything is on track. After seeing our note, you will give your information to the organization that interests you and that group will follow up with you directly and manage your experience.

What if there are no opportunities in my area?

Tell us and we’ll work to find and invite weaving organizations from your area into the Network. You can also start some weaving by gathering neighbors. Join the online Weave Community to get ideas and support from other experienced weavers. The community shares resources, hosts trainings, posts grants and fellowships, and much more.

Who can I talk to if I have a bad or great experience?

You can always contact the Weave team with any questions, concerns or feedback at

Do organizations know they are in the Weaver Network?

Not necessarily. The Network is a new service. For now, it scans the Points of Light Engage database of volunteer opportunities and uses filters to identify and show weaving opportunities. We are contacting and inviting organizations to add a Weaving tag to their appropriate volunteer opportunities to ensure they show up in the Network.

How do I get my organization’s opportunities to appear in the Network?

You have a few options. The best way is to click the Register My Organization button on this page, then fill out the form. The Weave team will verify your information and then you can start posting opportunities, using the Weaving tag. If your organization posts opportunities through other systems, contact the Weave team for assistance.

Why should I add my group’s weaving opportunities?

You’ll become part of a national campaign bringing renewed attention to volunteering. You’ll be a leader in showing how service can provide more than care; it can provide connection and build social trust. And you will increase your impact by designing deeper volunteer experiences and receiving increased promotion for your work.

How do I learn more about weaving and the Weave Project?

Explore this website ( to learn more and to get involved. Build trust through relationships is the first step toward healing our divided country.

How can I start my own weaving opportunity?

Join the online Weave Community to get ideas and support from other experienced weavers. The community shares resources, hosts trainings, posts grants and fellowships, and much more.

Email with any questions.

If outside the US, please indicate your country.

Copyright © 2024. Aspen Institute’s Weave: The Social Fabric Project. All rights reserved.